The Hidden Mountain Pass
You had hardly finished patting and tummy rubbing two cats, when a third looked at you with big bright eyes asking for more of the same. Not being able to resist such a gaze you start to stroke the blue silky fur.
Then, out of nowhere, there came a hair-raising hiss. You turn around to find a furious female cat behind you. You stared at her swirling fur, reminding you of pair of cats you'd met before.
When she found that her hissing hadn't scared you off, only attracted your attention, she stopped a looked at you warily. She actually seemed kind of frightened, she just didn't know what to do in the presence of a human. You talk to her gently, showing her how happy the blue female was, but in the end, she left. The blue female soon tired of the patting and left as well, flying away with her dragonfly wings.

Hoping down the a rockface came a pair of brightly coloured cat. The male was such a bright green it almost hurt one's eyes to look at him. The female was the purple one. They were a playful pair, completely unaware of your presence. They raced and leapt, scrambled and tumbled, up and down the rock mountainside, through some trees and back up the rocks again. They moved so fast they were hard to keep track of, and soon all you could hear were their claws scrambling up the mountain high over your head. There was no way to follow them yourself.
Instead, you take an interest in a greenish male that had arrived while you were looking up.
He was soon joined by a red female.
The male left after her arrival. Didn't seem to like her much. She didn't mind, it appeared that nothing much would bother her, not even a human where humans rarely go. You wondered if you were the first to ever come to this exact spot, to stand on exactly this clump of grass and stare into the eyes of exactly this very same hunter cat. No way to know.
Name: Yeux [Eyes]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Brume [Thick Fog]
Gender: Female
Parents: Fog x Mist
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Zonard [Hobo]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Exotique [Exotic]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Īlot [Islet]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Kif Kif [All the Same]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
The EverRealm