The Hidden Mountain Pass
You thought you might have seen the last of the hunter cats, but you were wrong. There were a couple of pink ones sitting here.

They had been preening each other, but stopped to look at you when you stepped on a twig, attracting their attention. For a few moments the one of the left even had her tongue still sticking out before she remembered to pull it back in. It was cute and you couldn't help but laugh. That's when you felt the sharp pricks in your backside...
The female was giving you a look that said without a doubt that one should never laugh at a cat. For there were repercussions. She then paused to lick the claws she had just used on your now rather sore deriere. A male with similar coat patterns stood off to one side, he seemed somewhat intimidated by the larger female. But where ever she went, the male was sure to follow.
When you turned back to the original pair, you noticed that they were joined with yet another pink coated female.
You didn't have a the time to get a good look at her, for suddenly all five cats scatter, only to be replaced with one male. He kind of reminded you of a skunk, but at the same time, the was something of a serpent in him too.
He sniffed about, obviously taking note of who had been here, in what was probably his place. He gazed up at you, in that way cats do when they want you to get out of their chair. Not wanting to argue, you push through some bushes to see what you could see.
Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004
Name: Peachy
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004
Name: Fog
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: Mist
Offspring: Brume
October 2004
Name: Mist
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: Fog
Offspring: Brume
October 2004
Name: Carnation
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
October 2004
Name: Rogue
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: Hellfire
Offspring: None
October 2004
The EverRealm