There was a swirl of unexpected snow and you stumble back from the pool. The wind tears at your clothes and your eyelashes frost over. You can't see a thing as you are buffetted about. At some point you trip over something and find yourself staring into the water once more. The snow was gone, but so was Trust, and Isis and the others. Instead, you find yourself face to face with another fish-tailed Serian. You grin, guessing this must be another sibling of Trust and Arrow.
He seems surprised. "You are right, Harmony is my mother, but my father is neither Radiance nor Danger, but rather Bramble". You grin even wider, having met Bramble, his daughter Elegance and son Chaser earlier. "It was quite the family reunion. The six of us had quite a party, with Arrow's children as well. It attracted a lot of attention and the next thing we knew all the Serians of the Hills had joined it. It was a great way to meet the others, and the other newcomers enjoyed it as well." More newcomers? "Yes. There were quite a few Serians looking for new homes, what with the holiday season and all. It's quite lonely wandering by yourself during times like that. So SunBlind offered her Realm to any who wanted to come. Winter had become a close friend of mine, being of the Sacred Sea altar she spent a lot of time near the water. And a young foal somehow managed to join our little group. He didn't have a name, and he was determined to have a name that described him exactly. And so SunBlind called him Truth's Throne...."
![]() Just then the young green Serian landed nearby, "Wait, I want to say why I agreed to that name!" He was all out of breath, as one would expect a very young, excited Serian to be. "She called me that because when she looked at me she saw a dragon, and how dragons in the Orient were symbols of royalty, just like in Europe. And how they stood for wisdom and justice...and I kind of liked that. I'd like to fight for truth and justice one day."
![]() "We all know you will little one," an icy gray mare said. This was of course Winter. While you were distracted by the exhuberant Truth's Throne the mare had wandered over to join her friends. She looks up towards the sky, "I've asked Fang and Flutter to join us." You glance up as well seeing a dark speck moving through the clouds. It grew in size as it approached and soon you could make the small blue stallion. He lands nearby and looks around, finding Winter as someome he recognized. "I came as you asked" he said rather bluntly.
![]() Winter nods her head in your direction, "That's the human I was telling you about". Fang let his eyes glance over you, top to bottom and then shrugged, "Thought they were supposed to be scary or something, doesn't even have claws." He shakes his spikey mane to make a point. Seeing as you weren't about to make a friend here, you ask after the other Serian Winter had mentioned, if you recalled correctly it's name was Flutter...
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