Panting, you reach the top of a particularly large rise. Turning to look back the way you came, you could see tiny colourful dots spread about, Serians you'd met on your way here. Turning again to face forwards, you could see the hills spreading out forever before you...well, until they turned into a small desert region and into the mountains. Or where they turned into sea. Looking down you see a large blue river snaking its way around the hills. Thinking it would be nice to get a drink and find some shade from the sun, you climb down to its banks. You dip you hands into the water to bring the liquid to your mouth. Then you notice the shimmering blue form beneath the water. For a moment the two of you stare at each other through the surface. Finally the Serian mare surfaced.
She looks again at you, "Oh, a human! The water distorted your form so much I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at," she smiles. "My name is Trust." You laugh back, as you hadn't been sure that she's been a Serian. Of course you'd met Arrow, another aquatic one, but you really hadn't expected to see another. "Arrow? Of course I know him! He's my half brother." Just then a mare looped past through the air, a long chain trailing, no, connected to her hooves! Her movments were eratic and yet graceful at the same time.
![]() You'd almost forgotten about Trust, so fascinated where you with the aerial display, but the aquatic mare had spoken, "That is Tangle. SunBlind won her as a prize from one of the Serian Festivals. I'm not too sure of her though, she seems a bit...disturbed at times. And no one knows if that started before or after the chain. Sometimes I think she's trying to rid herself of it. Other times it is like she's just enjoying the sounds it makes." The pair of you watched till Tangle had flown out of sight. Or at least you thought you had...shortly, a form appeared over the horizon where Tangle had vanished. Had Tangle's erratic flight brouht her in a full circle? No, it was another Serian!
![]() The mare had a vibrant green mane, and you stared in wonder at her nearly transparent wings. As if she weighed little more than a feather she settled neaby and approached. "Tangle told me to come here." Both you and Trust stared, not aware that the half mad mare could talk. The new mare tilted her head to one side, awaiting a response. You introduce yourself and she nods her head, "And I am Fickle, of the Summer Storm." The dark swish above her eye gave her quite the "femme fatale" look, while the way her mane flipped over the other eye gave her a mischevious look. You suspected she was a little of the two, given her name. It was not long before another mare appeared. She gazed upon you with a regal eye, the Egyptian influence could not be ignored. The sun disk rested upon her head like magic. Trust swam over, "Greetings Isis. I assume you've heard of our human guest?"
![]() The other mare nodded. "I have." She wasn't one for many words. She stretched out our gold tipped wings then folded neatly along her sides. The she dropped her head to the water and drank from it's cool depths.
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