![]() He glanced over at you and winked. "I am Mystic of the Windswept Islands, pleased to meet you!" You ask about his most unusual hairdo. "I am the fiyrst Mystic to come SunBlind's yrealm. Some of us Samanayrs have been infused by magic by the Shayrians. That allows us to have some contyrol oveyr the elements. I myself had some poweyr over the wind, and love to play in it when it gets this styrong." You ask if he's the one causing the wind right now and he shakes his head, "I don't have that much poweyr, but I still enjoy it!" Both your heads whip around as the strangest sound got carried by the wind. It was a kind of clunk-whir followed by a hiss. The weird part was, it that it kept repeating. The pair of you stare at the treeline as the sound approached. After a bit you could also hear a pair of female voices in conversation, one happy and cheerful, the other giving rather annoyed sounding replies. Not sure whether fight or flight was the best option, the pair of you wait until the strangest trio you'd ever seen step out into the hot springs.
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![]() Dumbfounded at the sight of a mechanical samanayr you nearly don't notice the twins, but they notice you. One breaks out into a huge grin and trots away from the group. "Greetings! I am Flouyrish of the Synchyronized Sentyry and that is my sister Scout of the Mechanical Eye", the other female just glowers from beneath her helm and grunts. "Don't mind heyr, she's just gyrumpy." The other mare snorts in disgust and turns to follow the mechanical one. "That's Clockwoyrk, he's an elemental, and we'yre going with him...wheyreveyr he's going, he won't say." She tosses her mane gaily as she hurries to catch up with them.
Name: Scout of the Mechanical Eye
Name: Clockwork