"What do you think of this pose?" "Try tipping your head back more, it will let the wind play with your mane more." "You mean like this?" Giggles. "Yes, much better." You part the large fern leaves blocking your view. The sound must have attracted the attention of the closer of the two female leagi.
![]() "Hello?" she said unsure of who you are. "Are you lost?" She moves closer to you with curiosity, revealing the other mare.
![]() "Rivan, who's there?" The chocolate coloured mare turned her head slightly, but didn't break her pose. "I think its a human, Songi." You confirm this fact. That was enough to bring Songi over to investigate. "Oh how interesting." She sniffed at your hair, taking deep breaths and walking around you in a tight circle. Up close you noticed she had unusal clawed feet. "Do you think we could keep it Rivan? I'll make sure feed it." Rivan wrinkled her nose. "I don't know. I don't want to have to clean up after it. Besides, it doesn't look very happy." You remind them that you are a sentient being and wouldn't like being someone's pet anymore than they would. Songi conceeds reluctantly. "Well, I still think you would have liked living with us. We'd have taught you all kinds of interesting tricks." Worriedly you ask if other leagi kept humans as pets. Rivan shakes her head, "No, of course not. That's why Songi wanted to keep you. She likes the unique and the unusual. Maybe because she's so strange herself." The second mare replied to that statement by sticking out her tongue. "Well," Songi says as you start to leave, "you can always come back to visit of course." You reply that you will. |