And suddenly, all the spiders were gone...but so were all the Faymaah and most of the Kirrih. No wait, these are not the same Kirrih as before. The sat upon a couple Jack O' Lantern's, making little sounds to each other as if discussing the strange human before them.
![]() They seem to come to some sort of agreement, and the jump off into the trees. A moment later they return and look at you, then head back into the forest. They wanted you to follow them so you did. After a bit you push yourself through some kind of strange prickly bush that left little scratches on your arms and face, to stumble upon a very cute scene. A Faymaah in a buttefly costume looking at a candy bag that had clearly been riffled through by a green Kirrih. At first you thought it was the female from before, but no, this one was male and looking quite guilty.
![]() They both look up at the noise you made. The mare sighed, "Alright Kikro, you made such a mess already you and your friends can have all the candy that's fallen out." Then she picked up the bag with the remainder of the candy and offered it to you, with the Kirrih made happy little sounds and pounced on their booty. Putting the bag down the mare grinned, "I'm Butterfly. And those other two moochers are Siva and Auell." A rustling of leaves and some soft curses announced the presence of someone coming through the very same prickly bush which you had just encountered. It was a Faymaah stallion...but just the skeleton of one! Bearing a bloody scythe! It took you a moment to catch your breath when to realize it was just another costume.
![]() "Reaper loves this costume, freaks people out." Butterfly explained while Reaper muttered some rather unflattering things about the prickly bush's ancestry. He sighed as he found a tear in his costume. "I keep forgetting that the bush is there, for some reason I keep ending up going through it. I swear the thing moves!" You leave the pair and continue on your own. For a while you wander about in the quiet tranquility of the forest, enjoying the warm breezes and the sharp scent of pine. Then you stumble across a Feleeiah mare seated upon the ground watching the antics of what looked like a flying, scaled Kirrih.
![]() It notices you can dashes over. It wasn't a Kirrih after all, and you watch it fascinated. "That is a Fairy Dragon name Yero," the mare spoke softly as she got up and trotted over, "And my name is Moondrift." Just then a beautiful Feileeah stallion flew by, large and delicate brown wings allowing him to float effortlessly by and land without a sound upon the forest floor. Yero danced around him, and with great dignity the stallion nods in your direction, "I am Dragonscale."
![]() "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" A cry pierced the serenity of the moment and a brown mare appeared out of nowhere, leaping into a pile of fallen leaves. Suddenly there were leaves EVERYWHERE. Moondrift laughs, Dragonscale snorts, and Yero is the happiest fairy dragon on the planet, chasing leaves in all directions.
![]() The brown Faymaah mare trots over, a huge grin plastered on her face. "Nice to meet 'ya! I'm Leafpile." She pauses, listens a moment then dances about, "I can hear Jingle!" A moment later you too could hear the jingle of little bells and soon another Faymaah mare appeared, this one all decked out for Christmas.
![]() She pauses surprised, "Was there a party going on that I didn't know about?" You glance about the assembled group covered in red and gold leaves and you start laughing. A chittering laugh joins yours and you see another Kirih sitting upon a pumpkin. She tilts her head to one side and squirms happily.
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Name: Butterfly
Name: Reaper
Name: Moondrift
Name: Dragonscale
Name: Leafpile
Name: Jingle
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Kirrih Name: Siva (green) Gender: Female Parents: Wild Permission Required?: No October 2009 |
Kirrih Name: Auell (purple) Gender: Male Parents: Wild Permission Required?: No October 2009 |
Kirrih Name: Kikro Gender: Male Parents: Wild Permission Required?: No October 2009 |
Fairy Dragon Name: Yero Gender: Male Parents: Wild Permission Required?: No November 2009 |
Kirrih Name: Tilea Gender: Female Parents: Wild Permission Required?: No November 2009 | |