The Hidden Mountain Pass


The water was gloriously warm as you clung to the lion's mane of the Okea'Tygre male. He was careful to keep your head above water, though he seemed to take a perverse pleasure in ensuring that your would encounter every wave face first. You hoped he wasn't doing it on purpose. Then you heard him say "Hang on!" and suddenly you were under the water.

You held your breath as long as you could, but he didn't seem to have any intention of surfacing. You started pulling at his mane, then beating on his neck, and finally kicking him. When all failed you let go and tried to get to the surface yourself. Another Okea'Tygre you had not yet met blocked your way.

"Didn't they tell you that this sea is enchanted, as all other regions of this Realm. You can breath under here," he grinned as he floated before you. Realizing you'd never make it to the surface, it didn't matter if you believed him or not, your lungs were about to burst so you gasp in a lungful of water.

And survived.

A female floated up. "What have you found Sea Urchin?" The male grinned, "Marine Reflections, please meet a thoroughly suprised, and completely unprepared human."

She looked up at you, "You poor thing. Well, the Squall of Turbulent Seas has probably never met a human before, they are new to this Realm. We've been around a bit longer and have travelled much more. Encountering your kind is rare, but not completely unusual event. Lost Traveler took her name after befriending a sailor on a boat that then drowned in the sea."

At the mention of the sailor, the female face took on a melancholy aspect. She truly missed him. But how could he have drowned. The first female answered, "Not here, in another sea, in the world of humans, your world. Where the waters are not saturated with magic, just salt."

A second male swam up to investigate. "I am Clear Skies, and I welcome you here." One of the females nudge him and point out that you were probably already welcomed by the Squall of Turbulent Seas. He shrugs, "Just in case they forgot. Besides, enough sadness. The tale of the sailor can wait for a rainy day, it won't bring him back. What brings you to our lovely ocean?"

Basically, it was Sunswept Currents who'd brought you all the way out here. Apparently he'd already left, you couldn't see him anywhere. You could see a vague dark form swimming beneath you. The Okea'Tygre didn't seem concerned, so it probably wasn't dangerous. They noticed you watching and spoke in their language. It did indeed sound different under water. The form rose up and you saw it was a very dark colour female.

"I am Haunted Deep. I prefer the deeper waters, my eyes are somewhat sensitive to the light." She winced slightly as the sunlight flashed off the glittering fins of the fourth female.

"My apologies Haunted Deep," the female then turned to you, "I am Sunsparkled Sea."

"And now you have met our entire Squall," one of them said. "We hope you enjoy your stay!" After a chorus of good-byes, good-lucks and nice-meeting-yous, they swim off, ignoring your protests about being stranded out here by yourself. You complete your ascent to the surface and find yourself close to one of the islands. You swim for it, the beach you'd left was too far away.


Name: Clear Skies
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Squall: Ocean Depths
Offspring: None
April 2005

Name: Sea Urchin
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Squall: Ocean Depths
Offspring: None
April 2005

Name: Sunsparkled Sea
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Squall: Ocean Depths
Offspring: None
April 2005

Name: Lost Traveler
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Squall: Ocean Depths
Offspring: None
April 2005

Name: Haunted Deep
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Squall: Ocean Depths
Offspring: None
April 2005

Name: Marine Relections
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Squall: Ocean Depths
Offspring: None
April 2005

The EverRealm