The Hidden Mountain Pass
You leave the group chatting with Eros in the water, and Chere complaining about all the noise. Considering the way things were going you weren't suprised to find another whorling pretty quickly. But what did suprise you was the odd form this one too.
You introduce yourself, and he replies that his name is Norensis, but he doesn't take his eyes off of whatever he was looking at. He didn't look frightened, just fascinated. You look up and he snickers. You sigh as you realized you fell for the trick. Now he was looking past you. You were tempted not to turn around but a soft sound made you look behind.
It was an elegant female with mesmerizing eyes, and really scary spikes. She grinned ferally, "Hello travellers, I haven't seen either of you here before. I am Spiven." The two of you give her your names in return, but Norensis was already backing off, not that he didn't look like he'd be capable of defending himself. Then the female's smile turned to a frown, and with a snarl she turned about and stalked away, tail swishing with annoyance. It seemed like she was will to take on the two of you, but she didn't like the odds of four-on-one.

The blue female with the saber fangs nodded, "You two looked like you could use a bit of help. Spiven can be a little...temperamental at times. I'm Orbent, and this is Warwick." The orange male just continued to grin like he'd just eaten the most wonderful dinner, like the fire that must have been cooking his brain was actually giving him a gentle massage. But Spiven had respected his presence, so you decided to give Warwick the benefit of the doubt.
Name: Norensis
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
October 2008
Name: Spiven
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
October 2008
Name: Warwick
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
October 2008
Name: Orbent
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
October 2008
The EverRealm