The Hidden Mountain Pass

You stop and stare, for a moment you think you're seeing double...except normally when one sees double its not in technicolor. A chuckled behind you draws your attention.
"That's Ella and Ellem. Don't worry, you're not the first person they've had that effect on." You ask if they are twins.
"We can't even say if they are siblings are not. They are feline whorlings, like me, and we all come from the Whorl. I'm not sure you could really say any of us can be related. My sibling is more likely to have dragon wings and horse hooves than to look like a cat."
Ella and Ellem have now come closer to investigate you. But right now the little pom-poms on the blue whorling's back had fascinated you. You reach out to touch them and he lets you. They were very very soft. He smiles, "Guess if we're going to be this friendly I should introduce myself. My name is Gaurum."
There was a splashing sound nearby, and you noticed a pool. Peering down into the water you see another whorling.
"Oh hi!" she said as he looked up from the sparkling pond. "My name is Holax....and I think there's something under there."
This got everyones attention, and soon you were all leaning over the water, staring into its dark depths. It may not have been very wide, but it was very, very deep. You stared until your back started to ache from the awkward position. Just as you lean back, you hear everyone else gasp. Looking down you see nothing. Not for another long while did the figure reappear for you.
It was like another face had appeared on the other side of a mirror, only this one was decidedly feline. The whorling surfaced and smiled at everyone. "I was wondering who would wait longer, you or me. I guess you guys win." She holds out a flipper, "I'm Eros, pleased to meet you."
"Not pleased to meet me though," and annoyed voice said. Everyone's heads snapped around in a most comical fashion to notice the curled up whorling on the group. "Can't a guy get any sleep around here?"
Gaurum snickered and shook his head. "Chere is such a grump. Probably because he's a guy with such a girlie name."
Name: Ella
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
January 2006
Name: Ellem
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
January 2006
Name: Gaurum
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
January 2006
Name: Holax
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
October 2008
Name: Eros
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
October 2008
Name: Chere
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
October 2008
The EverRealm