The Hidden Mountain Pass


No trip through a dark and narrow passageway, this time it was through a grove of trees. On the other side lay the territory of the Pride of Rumbling Earth.

Brazen Earth was the male of the pride. He had been gazing out to the horizon when he'd heard the snap of branches in the woods. He whipped around faster than your eye could follow and took a aggressive stance, ready to fight an enemy or eat some luckless prey. He relaxed when he saw that it was neither.

Bright Clearing and Silent Valley looked with curiosity at Brazen Earth's behaviour. And with a joyful bound raced over to meet Hidden Trees, ignoring you at first. Soon introductions were going around and happy feline chatter filled the air.

Endless Lands didn't want to be left out, and soon joined in. She was young and fully of energy, more often than not pouncing on an unsuspecting tail or sneaking up behind you to butt you with her head. She'd then bound off before you had a chance to complain and bother someone else with her pranks.

Dark Foliage snarled over her shoulder as Endless Lands went for her tail. The younger female veered off and pounced on Silent Valley's back instead. A disdainful flick her the green Tigon's tail was all that was required to keep the yellow one from trying again. You wished you'd had a tail, and that you could flick it with that much meaning. Endless Lands had just bumped into you again, causing you to take a few steps right into Vast Horizon.

The other yellow female helped steady you. She shook her head, "Don't mind her. Believe me, we've tried to get her to settle down, but then her energy just gets all bottled up and she's even worse than she is now. She just likes to play, and we've all gotten used to it now."

"Come, I can bring you to meet another..." and quietly the two of you slip away before the younger female noticed.


Name: Brazen Earth
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Pride: Rumbling Earth
Offspring: None
June 2005

Name: Bright Clearing
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Rumbling Earth
Offspring: None
June 2005

Name: Silent Valley
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Rumbling Earth
Offspring: None
June 2005

Name: Endless Lands
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Rumbling Earth
Offspring: None
June 2005

Name: Dark Foliage
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Rumbling Earth
Offspring: None
June 2005

Name: Vast Horizon
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Rumbling Earth
Offspring: None
June 2005

The EverRealm