The Hidden Mountain Pass
A low, rumbling growl greeted you as you scramble over the edge of stone. You raise head and find yourself face to face with a very large lion-like creature. No, not like a lion, more like a Tigon...but they all had wings before.
You smile shyly and introduce yourself to the big male. When he doesn't reply you ask if he happened to be a Tigon. He nodded. You wondered if it would be rude to ask about his wings when a female came over with a grin. A friendly grin thankfully.
"Greetings! I am Dry Earth and this is Desert Sands. I'm surprised you know the name of our species, have you encountered others of our kind elsewhere?" You describe the others and she laughs, "Oh no, those are the Skydance Tigons. We are the Earthsong Tigons. They are creatures of the air while we prefer to keep all four paws on the solid ground."
A bright green female approached, "Who is this?"
You introduce yourself once again, and then a third time as another pair of females appear seemingly from the walls of the pass itself. They were named Green Hills and Jade Fields, which the second female had been named Fragrant Grasses. You take a few steps forward and see a crack in the mountain that was hidden in shadow before. You wondered how many there were.
You hadn't realized you'd spoken alowed until a fifth female appeared in the passage and and nodded to you. "I am Pale Meadow. There are many more of us, and if you'd like to follow me I could bring you to the others."
You look at the two options available to you and make a choice.
Name: Desert Sands
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Pride: Searing Dunes
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Dry Earth
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Searing Dunes
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Fragrant Grasses
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Searing Dunes
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Green Hills
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Searing Dunes
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Jade Fields
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Searing Dunes
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Pale Meadow
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Pride: Searing Dunes
Offspring: None
June 2005
The EverRealm