The Hidden Mountain Pass
You watched as the mountain pass flashed by under your feet. Soon you found yourself fighting the uncontrollable effects of vertigo. To help relieve this sensation, you look up at your rescuer, at least you hoped this was a rescue and not one creature snatching the prey of another. You could see it was some kind of canine with wings.
Eventually you found yourself over the desert. Looking down you could see more colourful forms, one flew up to greet the green canine, and you saw that this was the same kind of creature. You had a better view of this one and you realized they were actually wolves. Wolves with unicorn horns.
The green female dropped you in the midst of the group. They milled about you, sniffing. Finally one came forward and the others dropped back.
He gazed at you thoughtfully. "You are not Touched by the Storm," he said, and the others mumbled amongst themselves. "Oasis Salvation, why have you brought this creature amongst us?"
The green female muttered an apology. "The Corpadra would have devoured this traveller. I do not believe that such as fate was the Realm Keeper's wishes, Desert Elder."
The dark blue female took her place beside her mate, "Perhaps not, but nor had the Realm Keeper forbidden the Corpadra to harm this human. Obviously the Realm Keeper willed the human to fend for itself, and if it should die as it wanders the Realm, so be it. That was then its fate. If it should survive, then so be that as well. It was not your place to interfere."
A brown male came to the rescue of his mate. "You speak as if you know what the Realm Keeper intended, but one does not know her mind quite so easily. She often does not tell us her plans. Be kind to my mate Midnight Storm, she has a gentle heart."
Desert Elder turned to face the remaining pair. "Olive Grove speaks the truth, as we all know. But regadless of the Realm Keeper's plans, we are free to choose ourselves if we will allowing this human to remain in the desert, or shall we have Oasis Salvation return it to the mountains?"

The two discussed amongs themselves. Finally Desert Elder became impatient. "Palm Shelter, Burning Sands, what is your answer."
The red female, Burning Sands answers for them. "Allow the human choose if it wishes to return to the mountain, or to meet with the other packs. But it cannot stay here with the Pack of Shifting Sands."
The lilac coloured wolf considered this. "Yes. Human, Oasis Salvation can take you back to the mountains now. Or, you may walk towards the sun. There you will find the Pack of Hurricane Forces. You are free to choose." He adds just before you voice your decision, "And if you go to visit the Pack, could you tell the pair belonging to Shifting Sands to come home. They've been out galavanting long enough."
Name: Oasis Salvation
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: Olive Grove
Pack: Shifting Sands
Offspring: None
March 2005
Name: Midnight Storm
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: Desert Elder
Pack: Shifting Sands
Offspring: None
March 2005
Name: Desert Elder
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: Midnight Storm
Pack: Shifting Sands
Offspring: None
March 2005
Name: Olive Grove
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: Oasis Salvation
Pack: Shifting Sands
Offspring: None
March 2005
Name: Palm Shelter
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: Burning Sands
Pack: Shifting Sands
Offspring: None
March 2005
Name: Burning Sands
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: Palm Shelter
Pack: Shifting Sands
Offspring: None
March 2005
The EverRealm