The group of you watch Mystic disappear when there was the sound of thundering hooves and a young Serian comes galloping up. "What did I miss?"
![]() The mare was cheerful and energetic and clearly new to the Hills. The others looked at her quizically, sizing her up then Flash laughed. "Not much, we're all new here, and getting acquainted with each other, seems like you found the right bunch of Serians to hang out with!" Shadow didn't seem too pleased to have to deal with another perky Serian but StarShadow smiled and introduced herself and the rest of you. "I'm Scribble" the mare replied in kind, and when asked about her Altar she shook her mane. "My parents are Vivid and Rhythm, they are still living in Sionayra...for a while I lived in another Realm, but my memories are a bit fuzzy about that." The others nodded, describing the "void" which seemed to make Scribble feel better. There's nothing better to build a bond between friends than a shared experience. Just then, thunder could be heard in the distance, and everyone turned to see the dark clouds rising up over the Hills. StarShadow ducked under the water, but the rest of you made for a grove of trees to get out of the rain... As the group of you huddled in the shelter from the downpour, there was a tremendous flash of lightning and a deafening boom of thunder. Then the brush seemed to explode as a terrified Serian burst in on yor little group.
![]() Here eyes were huge and terrified, and it was just the impassable group of bodies that prevented her from continuing on her flight. Another rumble of thunder set her to trembling. You reach out a hand and place it gently on her muzzle. Somehow that simple touch was enough to help her relax and she calmed down enough to realize where she was. "I'm so sorry. I know it's silly to be scared of storms but I can't help name is Beta?" The last coming out as a question, as if the introduction was an offered apology she wasn't sure the rest would accept. But of course they did, introducing themselves in turn. In the meantime, the brief storm moved on, leaving the air clean and fresh with the sun attempting to break through the clouds. With a last rumble of thunder, a winged Serian burst through the overcast skies, tossing his head as if in defiance of the weather, tail lashing. Though he made no sound it felt like he was crying out a challenge to the heavens. Your group stares up at him, in awe of this wild creature of the sky.
![]() He eventually takes note of the specks on the ground below him, and he circles lazily down to land nearby, his clawed paws digging into the earth as he folds his wings onto his back. He holds his head high, almost arrogantly, but he clearly was curious about finding other Serians here. But still he says nothing. After a few glances passed amongst your group it was Scribble how took a few brave steps forward. "Hello." and then introduced each in turn. The stallion gives you an extra long glance...or was it a glare? Finally he seemed satisfied. "Greetings, I am Arbalest. I was flying through the storm, chasing lightning, when I lost my way only to find myself here. What is this place?" Flash took this opportunity to explain the Realm and Arbalest listened intently, his eyes, well, flashing with interest. "This certainly sounds like a place of many adventures, I think I should like to stay here a while to explore." For all his bluster, secretly you felt he was also kind of relieved to find other Serians, even loners sometimes like to know there are others about even if they don't always let on.
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