So intent were you on tiny equines, you didn't notice the large one until you bumped into her back. Though her tiger-stripped coat was soft as silk, she had something bumpy growing from her shoulders, like small dragon wings. Her head turns to the side to peer at you over her withers.
![]() "Hello?" You excuse your clumsiness and introduce yourself to what was obviously a C'bana female. You wondered if she was a strange as the other two... "Nice to meet you. I'm Ardientii'tigresse, a Savannah C'bana...." then she giggles as she realized it rhymed. Then she paused a moment, before starting to laugh in earnest. You joined her for a while, as laughter was indeed contagious, even across species, but after a bit you began to wonder what was so very funny. It took her a while to stop, but finally she grinned. "Sorry, can't help myself sometimes. When I find something funny I can laugh for a really long time. And it doesn't take much for me to find something funny." "She really likes to laugh..." You were suprised at the sound of the deep voice, turning around you see a large male grinning at you. Looks like he liked to laugh too.
![]() The stallion was right on the edge of the clearing, and with a big bounding leap he landed just inches from you, a big grin plasted on his face at your reaction. You roll your eyes a bit, looks like this one is a mishief maker. You wonder aloud what he must have been like as a foal. "He was actually very shy" Ardi responded. "So sweet and cuddly. Look at the big oaf now!" But she was clearly still fond of him, even though shy and cuddly didn't quite apply to him anymore. And he was more spice than sweet. You leave the pair. As you wander through the trees you come upon a bizarre sight! A little bird with his beak stuck in a dart board...
![]() "That's my Bulsai..." the little voice said. His bull's-eye? Do the C'bana spend their spare time throwing birds as darts? "She's a little weird, but she's my friend." At that the bird fluttered his wings, shook free of the board, and went to land on 'Terien's head. You continued on, your mind still confused... |
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Name: Ardientii'tigresse [Tigress Burning] ID: 217 Gender: Female Type: Savannah Parents: Wild Mate: None Offspring: None September 2008 |
Name: Boniterien [Good samaritan] ID: 232 Gender: Male Type: Mer'bana Parents: Kiryi~waii(225) and Patricianii(149) Mate: None Offspring: None November 2008 "gift": 'terien is not "gifted" so to say, but like his parents, he has a knack for healing. ![]() |
Name: Dart Gender: Female Species: Bulsai Parents: Wild November 2008 | |