The Magical Herd

The Desert


For a moment you hoped that it might be Kaelin and Firecracker. But Firecracker didn't have drigus feet. Now don't ask how you could tell the difference between horsefeet and drigusfeet on the sand, but you just could, so there!

You next thought was of Galen or maybe Vyr. But it was none of the above. Two strange drigetti appeared. Varda beemed a huge smile. Of course they were both male......

The blue mane one introduced himself, "I am Vole, and this is my friend Rastenn...." he trailed off as he looked at his purple maned friend. Rastenn was staring a Varda with a small smile on his otherwise totally dreamy face. Well, they were both adults....

Vole cleared his throat and Rastenn mumbled something about him getting a drink of water, sounds like his throat may be getting a little sore. Vole glared and finally swiped at Rastenn with his talons. That brought the other stallion back to this world, much to the dismay of Varda!

Vole continued his introduction, "We're from the Creation, a difficult place to find but well worth the effort. Galen asked us, with an army of other drigetti to come looking for you. Somewhere along the way we met a short drigus named Turhan. Turned out he actually knew you! We weren't sure if you were real or not. He put us on the right path to finding you. Galen will be happy!"

You wondered suddenly at how much influence Galen had. How much time had passed! Do drigetti grow old and die? You shuddered at the thought and didn't ask. Besides, Rastenn wouldn't have even heard, so lost was he in the sound of Varda breathing (well, she wasn't making any other sounds!)

You leave those two and follow Vole back to where Galen was supposed to be. You wondered though, why didn't Galen use his magic to find you.

Name: Vole
Gender: Male
Mane: Blue
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
August 2000
Name: Rastenn
Gender: Male
Mane: Purple
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
August 2000