Title | Mog's Mumps
Author | Helen Nicoll
Illustrated by | Jan Pienkowski
Publisher | Puffin Books - 1987
First Printing | Willian Heinemann Ltd - 1976
Title | Owl at the Vet
Author | Helen Nicoll
Illustrated by | Jan Pienkowski
Publisher | Puffin Books - 1992
First Printing | Willian Heinemann Ltd - 1990
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Category | Children
Warnings | None
Main Characters | Meg, Mog, Owl
Main Elements | Witches, anthropomorphic
Website | Jan Pienkowski

Mog's Mumps
Poor Mog is not well. Meg thinks he has mumps, so she puts him to bed and tries to make him better with one of her spells. Poor Mog!
Owl at the Vet
Poor Owl has broken his wing. Now he'll have to stay at the vet's until it mends and he can fly home to Meg and Mog. Full of humour, and great fun for everyone, Owl at the Vet is also the perfect book to help children understand a stay in the hospital.

These are really cute and funny books filled with unusual illustrations with strong bright colours. Mog is a witch who may not be quite the best spellcaster out there, resulting in some strange side-effects when she tries to cure Mog in the first book. Fortunately for Owl, he was brought to the hospital when he broke his wing where he met an ostrich with a sore throat and a cat with a bandaged head. These are wondeful books to read to your kids, they're short but they make you laugh. Though we only have two of the books, I'm sure the rest of the series is just as much fun, too bad they are out of print.