The Hidden Mountain Pass
You leave the silly little Whyos and continue along the Mountain pass. The path was wide here but strange little barking sounds (and I mean little here) seemed to be coming from a branching path. It was very narrow, between two large rocks, but with some twisting and scrambling, you were able to get through.
The barking stopped for a moment, and then it became frantic. It took you a moment to locate the tiny little canines
They were adorable. They rushed about your ankles, though you weren't quite sure if they were happy to see you or if they were trying to scare you away. If the latter they were failing quite miserably as all you wanted to do was pick them up and cuddle them.
However they didn't seem to be capable of speech, so you looked about to see if you could find any information about them, but all you could see was a plaque with their names attached to the mountain wall. At least now you knew they were called Tinydales.
Name: Sylvia
ID: 456
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
May 2015
Name: Edgar
ID: 460
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
May 2015
Name: Pete
ID: 456
Gender: Male
May 2015
Ivory Sanctum - Tinydales